My_Play_Lists ~BlackCatWhiteTail’s blog~

Talk About My Favorite Songs

Garudius '95











ステージ6、Ruins PlanetのボスMistic Cicada。弾が非常に早く、集中力が続く短期の決着が望ましい。しかし、上記のように、ベクタービームのような前方への火力が弱いと短期決着ができず、高速敵弾を避け続けなければならなくなる。エミュレーターのチート機能を使っても苦労する。

ステージ9、Boss Rushの最後のボスのMaster Core。丸い形をしたユニットを複数射出することがある。この直後に、画面の上から下までが埋まるぐらいの玉を撃ってくる。なので、上記の丸い形をしたユニットは壊さずに、盾として利用して、攻撃が止むのを待つ。ここで、うっかり丸い形をしたユニットを壊してしまうと、詰んでしまう。一応、弾と弾の隙間を抜けることができるが、高速過ぎて、不可能ではないものの、かなり難しい。

Stage10、Baseの中ボス、Mirror Gunwall。普通に強い。短期決戦のために前方火力が必要。

Translated with ChatGPT4.0

I think it's a masterpiece.

The game had gimmicks not found in other Gradius titles, beautiful graphics, and a moderate difficulty level, all of which were great. Above all, the best aspect was the incorporation of puzzle elements.

In my opinion, there are generally three types of shoot 'em up games: pattern-based like Gradius, bullet hell like DoDonPachi, and those that incorporate puzzle elements like Radiant Silvergun. The main series of Gradius hasn't really incorporated puzzle elements much.

Therefore, the introduction of puzzle elements in a Gradius game is something I highly appreciate.

Fundamentally, you can clear the game by relying on firepower, which is another good aspect. Since you can clear it with firepower, the type of weapon doesn't really matter.

However, if you choose the Vector Beam, your forward firepower is weak, and this can be especially challenging in boss fights.

There were two particularly difficult parts:

Stage 6, the boss Mistic Cicada on Ruins Planet. The bullets are incredibly fast, requiring a short, intense focus. However, if you have weak forward firepower like with the Vector Beam, it becomes difficult to resolve the fight quickly, forcing you to continually dodge high-speed bullets. This is challenging even with emulator cheat functions.

Stage 9, the last boss in the Boss Rush, Master Core. It sometimes shoots out several round units. Right after this, it fires bullets that fill the screen from top to bottom. So, you should use the round units as shields without destroying them and wait for the attack to stop. If you accidentally destroy the round units, you can get stuck. Technically, you can dodge between the bullets, but they are so fast that it's extremely difficult, though not impossible.

In Stage 10, Base, the mid-boss, Mirror Gunwall, is ordinarily strong. For a quick resolution of the battle, strong forward firepower is necessary. This emphasizes the importance of choosing the right weapons and strategies to effectively deal with such challenging enemies, reinforcing the game's blend of shooting and tactical decision-making.






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